Kanarieöarna är ett populärt resmål men få känner till hundarnas situation på öarna. Kommunen avlivar 3000 hundar om året på det största hundstallet på ön. Och antalet hundar och katter som kommer in till hundstallen bara fortsätter att öka eftersom man inte satsar på kastreringsprojekt.

Rehoming Form

Please fill in as much information as you possible can about the dog in the form below. If the form doesn’t work, contact us at info @ careofanimals.se. Thank you!

Attention! It doesn’t work to fill in this form if you are using a Yahoo email, please use another one if possible or use email@email.com and only use your real email in the bigger/last field so that we still can contact you.

    Castrated? (required)

    Where is the dog now? (required)

    Can live with other dogs? ("Yes" means both females and males!) (required)
    Not knownFemalesMalesYesNo

    Can live with cats? (required)

    Can live with kids in the ages? ("0-5 years and above" means it can handle all kids!) (required)

    Where can the dog live? ("Can live in a city" means it can live anywhere!) (required)

    The dogs energy level? (required)

    How experienced must the new owner be? (required)

    Attach photos of the dog here!